8 effective tips for degreasing very dirty ovens and making them like new!


Covered with grease or food residue, ovens can be very difficult to degrease. Fortunately, there are some great tips that make your job easier. Proof in 8.

To clean greasy walls:
Lemon :
Known for many household features, lemon is a component designed to disperse naturally inside your oven. To use, simply cut half of your citrus chest and use both halves to scrub the walls. When the energy dirt is softened, wash it with warm water and white vinegar, then wipe with a cloth to remove any residue.

Report :

If you want to apply quirky and economical households, don't throw away your newspaper. You may not know it, but later can go many ways, especially finding shiny walls inside your oven.

To use it, it’s very simple. Simply take a newspaper in half, roll it into a ball and lightly dip it in water before scrubbing the wall. Your oven will be like new!

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