Baking soda, because everyone rushes to spread it on the mattress: incredible what happens


Baking soda is a great ally in the kitchen, we can use it in a thousand ways, in addition to cooking any dish, it is useful for cleaning and hygiene. Not only does it always give the desired effect, but it is not even harmful to health and has no contraindications of any kind.

Baking soda on the mattress

You can pour it into the washing machine, you can use it to clean embedded dishes, as well as to wash the stove.  It is even useful as a beauty remedy  , to wash hair and soften it.

Today we discovered that  you can also spread it on your mattress  to eliminate all bad odors and more.

Baking soda in the mattress, that’s why

In summer and sometimes even in cold weather,  it happens that you sweat while sleeping.  The sheets are usually changed, because it goes without saying that they smell terribly and remain damp for many hours.

The problem is that changing the sheets even several times a week is not enough, because the  mattress remains wet, damp and can cause  serious damage and problems in the long run. This is why it can be useful to refresh the mattress. For this you don’t need suitable products, just follow some tips and implement some tricks and the game will be over  in no time.

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