Every washing machine can dry clothes and most are still unaware of this feature


An extra spin
So opt for a new spin in the machine, this will significantly reduce the drying time once the clothes are hung. Most washing machines have this feature. To do this, wait until the full wash cycle has finished and repeat the spin cycle. Your clothes will come out almost dry.

Turn the clothes inside out
So that laundry dries faster on rainy days, it must be hung in a suitable place, protected from humidity of course. After a few hours, consider turning the clothes over, as they may dry faster on one side than the other. Also, it is very important to respect the space between your clothes so that air can circulate around them.

Use a dehumidifier
Do you have a dehumidifier at home? This is the ideal solution for removing moisture from clothes and making them dry faster. Ideally, place it near your clothes, so that it wicks away moisture easily. This will save you time and energy!