Grandma’s Secret: Canning Watermelon Juice to Warm Your Soul


In the heart of summer, when watermelon is at its ripest and juiciest, Grandma has a secret that she’s been sharing with her loved ones for years. It’s a tradition that turns summer’s bounty into a delicious treat, warming the soul during the cold winter months – canned watermelon juice!

Grandma’s Simple and Delightful Process
Grandma’s process for making canned watermelon juice is easy and delightful. She starts by hand-selecting the freshest and ripest watermelons from the local market. With precision and care, she slices them up, removing the seeds and ensuring that only the sweetest and juiciest flesh makes it into her jars.

Next comes the magic: juicing! Using her trusty old juicer, Grandma extracts every last drop of liquid gold from the watermelon pieces. The result is a vibrant, refreshing juice that captures the essence of summer in every sip.

Preserving Summer’s Bounty