Grandma's trick for keeping tomatoes fresh for several days


As we all know, tomatoes stay ripe for a long time when they are still on the vine. However, after harvesting, it begins to spoil.

Remember that the area near the tomato stem is vulnerable to invasion by microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria, which can accelerate decay.

The trick with adhesive tape:

The trick to avoid the action of these microorganisms and preserve the tomatoes is therefore to apply tape to this area.

Although it may sound unusual and even overly simple, this method reduces airflow around the stem.
In this way it helps to reduce the proliferation of microorganisms responsible for the rotting and decomposition of the fruit.
By incorporating this technique, it is possible to preserve both the freshness and flavor of the tomatoes more effectively.
Any type of tape will work, but be sure to remove and wash the tomatoes before eating.
Where should you keep them? Inside or outside the fridge?
Unlike usual, tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, i.e. in a pantry or a fruit bowl on the kitchen table.

It is never advisable to store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Although cold can extend the shelf life of some foods, it can also change their properties in undesirable ways, which is particularly harmful for tomatoes.
If tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator, they may lose their juicy texture and deep red color. In addition, there may be a reduction in the nutrients present, such as antioxidants.
The refrigerator or freezer should only be considered for tomatoes that are already very ripe and about to spoil, so that they can retain their freshness for a few more days. However, under these conditions, tomatoes are more suitable for use in tomato sauce.
Additionally, it is NOT recommended to store tomatoes in plastic bags as this can speed up the spoilage process by preventing them from “breathing.”

If possible, it is even better to turn the tomatoes upside down, creating a kind of “barrier” on the fruit stalk.

This technique can help preserve them even better and keep them fresh for longer. Follow these tips and you will see the results!