How to clean and whiten the old mattress even if it is stained?


How to clean and whiten the old mattress even if it is stained? Replacing it with a new mattress isn’t necessarily an option if you have one that just looks old. Find a mattress like new with these natural tricks .
How to clean and whiten the old mattress even if it is stained by drinks or food?

In cold weather, when we are not very active and always want to hide under the covers, we tend to snack in bed. It is completely normal for the mattress to get dirty as drinks and food crumbs contaminate the surface.

To remove these traces of dirt, it is recommended to mix three tablespoons of lemon juice and half a glass of vinegar . Then soak a microfiber cloth with the mixture and clean the stain. Wait until the product is well impregnated between the fibers of the fabric. Ideally air dry.
How are sweat stains removed?

This is the most common type of soiling for mattresses. For your information: The deposit of sweat marks is completely normal. Because when we sleep, we sweat and release sweat . The latter can be recognized by a yellow trail in the shape of a halo .

To remove this stain, Marseille soap is undoubtedly the most effective natural product. The latter has stain-removing but also cleaning properties.
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