How to Cultivate Hydrangeas in Soil Using Stem Cuttings


4. Immerse in Rooting Hormone

Though optional, dipping the freshly cut end of the branch into a rooting hormone powder can significantly enhance the probability of rooting success.

5. Pot Preparation

Pick a pot based on the number of cuttings and your space constraints. Typically, an 8-10 inch terra-cotta pot should suffice.

Fill the chosen pot with a seed-starting potting mix. Once done, ensure the mix is moist but not waterlogged. Alternatives like vermiculite or coarse sand can also be used.

6. Set the Cutting in Place

Insert the cutting into the moistened mix, burying it up to where the remaining leaves begin. Ensure the mix is firm around the stems, then water adequately.

Encase the potted cuttings within a clear plastic bag, ensuring it’s not too tight. Place it in an area with bright indirect sunlight. Direct sun exposure can be detrimental, as it may overheat the cuttings, leading to rot.

Regularly check the potting mix’s moisture level, ensuring it remains moist but not overly wet.

7. Move to Larger Pots

In about four weeks, you should notice roots sprouting from your hydrangea cuttings. As they develop further and showcase new green growth, it’s time to transfer them either to individual pots with regular potting soil or directly to your garden if they’re sufficiently grown.

Now, your new hydrangeas can be treated as mature plants, with a recommended watering routine of once a week.

8. Introducing Them to Your Garden

When relocating your new hydrangeas to your garden, ensure they have room to flourish. A spacing of 4 to 6 feet between each plant is ideal. If you plant them during the fall, expect blossoming shrubs in the following growth season.

Pro Tip

The magic of big leaf hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) is that you can influence their bloom colors! By adjusting the soil pH using specific soil enhancers, you can achieve blue flowers in acidic soils and pink blooms in alkaline ones.