How to germinate lemon seeds, the infallible tactic of every nurseryman revealed


How to germinate seeds

For faster germination, the next step involves “peeling” the lemon seeds. With tweezers you will have to remove the layer of film that covers the seed, which acts as a shell and retards its growth. Once this is done you will need a glass of water, a sheet of absorbent paper and some aluminum foil.

Aluminum for the seeds

Take the sheet of absorbent paper, fold it on itself and dip it in the water and then wring it out so that it is moist and not soaked . Then reopen the sheet of paper and arrange the seeds well spaced apart on one half. fold the napkin to cover the seeds and then fold it over itself again. Take the foil and fold it over the paper towel. You will have created a germination chamber for your seeds . Now all you have to do is wait 2 or 3 weeks, leaving the seeds at home in a dry and warm place.

After three weeks, open your package and you should find the seeds of the sprouted lemons. At this point all that remains is to sow them. Prepare a pot with universal substrate and wet the soil well until the water comes out of the drainage holes under the pot. Using a toothpick, create some holes that will house your seeds. Then place the shoots inside the holes, taking care to place the root well at the bottom and burying the seed, then cover them well.

Sow lemons

Once this is done, just keep the vase at home until the leaves start to grow . The vase must not be in direct contact with sunlight, which could burn the shoots, but should still be placed in a bright place, possibly near a window.

Within a month you will already have small  lemon plants and you can decide whether to divide them and place one in each pot, or let them grow together.