How to get rid of weeds using only natural means


2. With baking soda

Let’s take some baking soda and sprinkle the grass with the powder using a spoon. If we don’t like seeing the white powder on the lawn, we can also dissolve it in a little hot water and apply it directly to the plants in the same way. With this super cheap and effective method, any weeds will be a thing of the past the next day. In fact, bicarbonate increases the salinity of the soil and causes weeds to die.
3. With fine salt

To kill weeds we can also use very simple table salt, just dilute 250 ml in 500 ml of water and wait until it boils. At this point, mix well so that it dissolves completely, wait until the water warms up slightly and then pour generously on the plants. Our terrace will no longer look like a haunted house!
4. With boiling water

Boiling water is one of the easiest, cheapest and most environmentally friendly weed remedies. Just pour it on your weeds and you will see them die instantly.
5. With sugar

Like salt, sugar is also capable of killing weeds. All we need to do is spread a generous handful around the base of the weed, creating a layer about an inch thick. Soon the weed will die.
6. With lemon juice

Thanks to the citric acid contained in its juice, lemon burns weeds and makes them easier to remove. We can spray it pure on weeds or mix it with vinegar and boiling water for a more powerful effect.
7. With alcohol

Alcohol dehydrates plants, so we can spray it on weeds to kill them. However, we have to be very careful not to get it on the rest of the lawn and the other plants if we don’t want them all to die!
8. With vodka

Vodka contains alcohol, so we can use it as a natural herbicide. To make its action even more effective, we can mix it with hot water and a few drops of ecological dishwashing detergent.
9. With a mulching sheet

If there are really too many weeds, a good solution can be to cover the affected part of the soil with a mulch film that prevents weed growth. It is not aesthetically pleasing, but certainly ecological and economical.
10. With manual clearing

If there are not many weeds, we can try to pull them out manually, protecting our hands with gardening gloves or with a mechanical herbicide. The best time is after watering the lawn or after rain, when the soil is moist and softer.