Learned this recipe from my nana! Nana always passed down the best recipes.


Now, you might be wondering why anyone would want to pickle eggs in the first place, but let me share a little bit of the heartland's history with you. It was a way our ancestors made the bounty of their hard work last through those long, hard winters. Preserving was not just a technique; it was a saving grace – and pickled eggs were a staple. Having a jar of these tangy delights meant you had a quick protein snack at hand, or a colorful addition to brighten up your salads and sandwiches.
Apple Cider Vinegar Pickled Eggs aren’t just about preserving eggs — they’re about preserving our connection to a simpler time. If you find yourself with a surplus of eggs, or just yearn to taste something that harks back to the days of root cellars and ice houses, this recipe is for you.
Now, these eggs are versatile, I tell you. They go beautifully with a nice piece of buttered homemade rye bread, or you can slice 'em up and add them to a crisp leafy green salad as I often do. I reckon they're particularly fetching alongside a steamy bowl of mustard greens or collard greens cooked down with a bit of ham hock for that smoky flavor.
Apple Cider Vinegar Pickled Eggs
Servings: Makes 1 dozen pickled eggs