Plant 4 bananas in your garden, you don’t expect what happens next


It is essential to prevent the snails from taking control of your garden, thus ruining it by eating all your freshly released vegetables. This would happen before you have the chance to harvest them and would correspond to great damage to you and your garden.

Fortunately, this problem can be solved effectively through the use of the eggshell. By sprinkling eggshells in your garden, you will create a sharp surface that will not give the opportunity for snails to go on your plot. Before putting the eggshells on the ground, however, you will have to wash them, making sure that they are broken into small pieces.

You have to remove all the smell of the egg, so as not to attract rodents that would damage your garden, much more than snails.

What else to know
Plants can also be a valuable beautification of your home as well as your garden, but only if they are healthy and moist. How can this be achieved? Through the use of diapers, which must be inserted in the lower part, then covering it with soil.

You only need one diaper to allow the planter to efficiently retain water, so as not to allow the soil to dry out.

This diaper trick can be used for any type of plant, in particular it works with the Tifa iris or with the marsh sunflower.

One of the biggest mistakes is not watering your plants enough.

With the use of an empty bottle, you can remedy this forgetfulness. When you have finished the wine placed in the glass bottle, the latter can be used for this purpose. After cleaning it with hot water, fill it with fresh water and make a hole in the cap, going to force it again.

Turn the bottle upside down, putting your neck in the ground. As long as there is water in the bottle, your plant will always be well hydrated.

To slow down the process of water loss from plants, you can use coffee filters that you will need to align the bottom of the pots. This will not prevent the water from draining, but it will slow down the procedure so that the soil can absorb the water.

To keep the deer away from your garden, all you have to do is place pieces of soap scattered on the ground. These will prevent him from approaching, since he does not like their smell. Alternatively, you can hang a bag containing a very fragrant bar of soap in your gardens, so as to discourage the entry of certain animals.

Another method of keeping snails away from your garden is beer-based.

These pests have a predilection for beer, which you will have to put in a jar inserted into the soil and spaced from your plants.

Snails will focus on it instead of plants, as they prefer the ingredients placed inside the beer.

Plastic forks inserted into the ground with the tips pointing upwards, are a great way to keep animals such as dogs and squirrels away from the garden.

Per proteggere le piante dal gelo, inserendo solo la parte superiore di un contenitore di plastica grande vi servirà per farle rimanere più calde durante la notte.

Utili metodi fai da te e il metodo delle banane
Per crearvi un pratico annaffiatoio, vi servirà un semplice contenitore per il latte sciacquato bene. Facendo dei fori sul tappo, potrete usarlo per innaffiare le vostre piante.

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