Rotten orchid: the nurserymen’s method for making it recover quickly without effort


This decision, in fact, will definitely compromise the plant. In short, light and heat are more than fine, as long as they come from natural sources, such as, to name one, a shielded window .

However, if, unfortunately, one day the inevitable should happen, that is to find your beloved orchid that has become rotten , know that there is even an effective remedy that you could, in case, put into practice.

How to recover the withered orchid
Oh yes, maybe you’ve never heard of it or no one had ever told you before, and, for this very reason, we want to let you know about something really interesting that will help you solve this unpleasant problem .

Let’s see, precisely, in the next few lines, what is the procedure to allow this plant to revive itself in a rather simple way .

First of all, you will need to equip yourself with a specific product called agricultural lime which can be found in powder form. Well, when you have it in your hands, the next step is to mix it with hot water , and mix everything until you obtain a homogeneous lotion .

After having done this operation, therefore, it will be your responsibility to leave the resulting mix on for about thirty minutes . While you wait for this concoction to act on its behalf, therefore, you can take the opportunity to remove the rotten roots of your orchid.

Then, the time has come to transfer the plant to another pot in which we should insert soil suitable for orchids. Only at this point, therefore, do we need to pour in the mixture that was previously prepared.

What can I say, after carrying out this procedure, you should soon notice a nice improvement and an incredible recovery of the orchid.