Stop Wasting Money Buying Lemons – Here’s How to Grow Endless Amounts of Lemons at Home


Considered one of the most versatile fruits in the world, lemons are highly appreciated for their many uses. Used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine to treat many ailments, they can also help simplify many aspects of your life. In fact, in addition to their beneficial health properties, these citrus fruits can be used not only for cooking, but also to replace certain cosmetic products or to make your furniture shine. In this article we offer you a quick and easy method to grow them at home!

Nature has given us a true treasure and most of us are not aware of all its virtues. To season our dishes, flavor our drinks, take care of our skin, make our hair shine or even help us stay healthy, lemon is a fruit that we should never do without.

Some unexpected uses of lemon

1) To clean your refrigerator

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, lemon can help you eliminate bad odors from your refrigerator. Simply soak a sponge in lemon juice and wipe it with your refrigerator. You can also leave a small cotton ball moistened with lemon juice for several hours to absorb unpleasant odors.

2) To wash your fruits and vegetables

You never know what kind of pesticides or dirt may coat the skin of your fruits and vegetables. Lemon juice will allow you to disinfect them naturally, leaving a pleasant smell.

3) To deodorize your trash

Do you often forget to take out your trash cans? To prevent your trash from smelling bad, save the lemon zest and place it under the trash bag.

4) To make a natural humidifier

To deodorize your interior and bring a fresh scent to your home, create your own natural humidifier! Fill a pot with water, add the lemon zest, cinnamon sticks, cloves and apple peelings. Let it simmer for a few minutes and then place the mixture in a steamer.

5) To remove stubborn stains

For the clumsy ones who can’t avoid staining their favorite clothes, we finally have the solution! For a more powerful clean, mix a cup of lemon juice with your detergent in the wash tub.

6) To clean your stainless steel surfaces

To do this, you simply need to prepare a paste based on lemon juice and baking soda. Cover the area and let it act for 5 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then dry with a clean cloth.

Here’s how to grow lemons at home.

What will you need?

1 lemon

· Potting soil

· A container

plastic movie

A sunny space

Stop wasting money buying lemons

How to proceed?

To start, cut the lemon in half and remove the seeds. Clean them properly to remove any pulp residue and place them in a container filled with water. Leave it for 6 to 7 days, taking care to change the water daily. After soaking the seeds in water for a week, remove them, they are ready to use!

Make small holes in the bottom of your container so the water can flow properly. Then place the soil in a bucket and add a little water to moisten it. After you have thoroughly moistened your soil, pour it into your container, leaving about 2 to 3 centimeters of space at the edge.

Plant your seeds (they should still be moist) about 1 centimeter deep in the center of the pot. Then spray your potting soil with water and cover your container with your plastic wrap. Use a rubber band to seal the edges tightly and poke small holes in your film with a pencil. Place the pot in a warm, bright location, but do not expose it to direct sunlight yet.

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