The ingenious trick to permanently remove mold from walls


How do you avoid mold on the walls?
After eliminating the traces of mold on your walls, it is important to take the right steps to avoid moisture problems that lead to the development of these microscopic fungi. Keep in mind that excessive moisture not only causes mold but also damages the walls. Because when a wall is damp , the paint crumbles and the wallpaper becomes damaged and peels off.

It is therefore advisable to ventilate the house daily to renew the air in your interior, eliminate excess moisture and avoid the formation of condensation on the windows. If the humidity in your home is high, you can use a dehumidifier .

Also check if you have any water leaks. In fact, water leaking from pipes or household appliances such as the dishwasher or washing machine encourages moisture in the walls. Also check that no water has penetrated the walls. Since the structure of the walls is porous , moisture from outside easily penetrates, especially if the insulation of the house is poor.

This actually reduces the waterproofing of the walls.

If you have a basement, don’t forget to also see if you have capillary rise. This means that moisture rises from the basement or even from the ground into the walls.

Thanks to these 4 tips, you can effectively and permanently eliminate the mold that damages your walls and irritates your lungs.

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