The natural oil that removes wrinkles without a scalpel: simply apply it in the morning.


Cura della pelle

To make this easy recipe, the first thing we need is a food processor, and place inside it two tablespoons of sage leaves. Now all that remains is to run the appliance until the spice is reduced to powder.

Next, transfer the chopped sage to a glass jar, pour 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil over it and mix well.

Once the mixture is prepared, it is necessary to use a pot in which, first of all, a clean cloth or a small towel should be placed. Then, place the jar (without the lid) in the pot and fill it with hot water until it reaches half of the container.

Sage oil ready in only twenty minutes

At this point, the recipe is almost finished. The last step is to put the pot on the stove, turn on the heat and let it warm up for about twenty minutes. After this time, all that remains is to let our oil cool, and once ready, with the help of a strainer and two layers of gauze, we can strain filter it and store it in jars in the refrigerator.

Prendersi cura di sé

To get the skin we have always dreamed of, simply apply the natural oil of sage just once a day and leave it on for a few minutes.