Tricks and secrets to always have a lush and abundant basil plant


Basil is one of the most used aromatic plants in the kitchen and simplest to grow at home. However, it is necessary to follow some precautions to have a healthy and thriving plant .

In this article we list some tricks to protect the basil plant and make sure you keep it in the best possible condition.

Basil needs a lot of light , but you need to be careful about direct exposure to the sun, whose rays could damage it.

Just keep the plant near a window or balcony , so that it can receive indirect light.

Another important factor to consider when growing basil is drainage . Basil can grow in pots, as long as it has drainage holes that allow excess water to drain properly .

Basil needs constant watering . It is advisable to put a layer of clay on the bottom, which is very useful to avoid water stagnation. The soil must be constantly moist .

If you decide to keep basil indoors, you must remember to water it less, especially in winter. Check the humidity of the soil and, if it is dry, add a little water.

An effective and little-known trick is to cut off the tallest tops of basil . The widespread and incorrect belief is that removing the lowest and oldest leaves is more useful for the plant, but this is not the case.


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