Use one of these tricks to get rid of the bug problem in your home forever, that’s what it’s all about.
Summer is the favorite season for many, for the beautiful days , the heat and the time spent outdoors . And it’s not unusual to leave windows open to circulate as much air as possible inside the house, especially when it’s not too hot . When we do this, however, we also have to deal with a really tedious problem : insects entering the house. Luckily, there are several natural solutions to this headache.
The variety of insects that could come to visit us even if they are not invited is enormous, including flies, bees, mosquitoes, cockroaches and ants . For each of them, however, there is the perfect natural solution .
As regards flies , first of all, it is good to remember that these insects cannot tolerate very strong odors. We can therefore exploit this weakness with the right weapons: lemon and cloves . To prepare the remedy against flies , it will be necessary to cut a lemon in two , then insert cloves into each of the halves.
At that point, we can place our lemon half in the points that are usually the access routes for flies into our house, for example windows or doors . The pungent aroma of lemon , combined with the very strong aroma of cloves , will keep flies away for a long time.
The same effect can be achieved by preparing a spray to spray on the same points. To make it, we will have to combine 10 drops of mint essential oil and 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil , and then dilute them in half a liter of water.
Another effective remedy against flies is to make a repellent mixture based on water, sugar and black pepper . The mixture, once created, must be spread on a strip of paper that we can place in the relevant points . A spray alternative to this remedy is the mixture of white vinegar and mint essential oil , to be sprayed near windows and doors.