6 Salt Cleaning Tips for a Spotless Kitchen


Don’t wait for bad odors to form. You can apply this trick once a week to prevent them and always have a clean drain.

3. Eliminates the smell of fish
Sprinkle pans and pots used to cook fish with salt and fill them with hot water.

Wait about thirty minutes, then wash them normally. The smell of fish will be tasty.

4. Refrigerator
To remove stains in the refrigerator, mix 60 grams of salt with 250 ml of water.

Dampen a rag in the solution, empty the refrigerator, and clean every nook and cranny. This solution also disinfects the interior surfaces of the refrigerator.

5. Coffee stains and residue
If your coffee maker has coffee stains or limescale, fill it with ice cubes and add 80 grams of salt.

Shake vigorously with a wooden spoon, wait for the ice to melt, and then wash as usual.

6. Cups
If your mugs have stains, sprinkle some salt inside, then use a damp cloth to rub well until they are completely gone. Finally, wash with cold water.

Now that you know how to use salt when cleaning your kitchen , try to put into practice the tips described above to avoid the use of chemicals and harmful products.