7 fragrant and beautiful plants for the balcony: they will keep flies and mosquitoes away


Rosemary : This is a very versatile herb. It is used both in the kitchen and for hair care and so it would make sense to place it on the balcony. Considering that it keeps insects away, especially mosquitoes, it is a great investment. It is also not a toxic plant for pets.

Lemongrass : If you think there are lemongrass products against mosquitoes on the market, the answer is simple: a plant is perfect for a balcony. This plant exudes an overpowering lemon scent that repels flies and mosquitoes . It can be grown in pots, but know that it prefers very hot environments.
Concerns : they are ideal against insects, mainly due to their limonene content . It is also very beautiful to look at, especially when it blooms with orange and yellow flowers. Furthermore, this plant needs heat and sun.
Sage : aromatic plant, but not only. If you place it on the balcony, you can enrich your recipes and keep insects away. For example, you can place it on the windowsill.

Lavender : This scent is known to be hated by insects. Lavender is effective against insects, mosquitoes, flies, ants and even rodents . It can be easily grown outdoors and does not require much maintenance. In this case we are talking about a plant that is toxic to pets, therefore, as a precaution, it should not be placed on the ground.
Floss flower : This is a very beautiful plant that contains coumarin . The latter is a substance that acts as an insect repellent. Also in this case it is not suitable if you have animals, as it is toxic.
Catnip : This plant is loved by cats but hated by insects. In fact, it contains Nepeta cataria, a substance that the latter do not like . You can grow it both on the balcony and at home.