7 gardening secrets to have beautiful plants at home


2. Maintain good humidity

Spraying water on plants is an essential step that should be done regularly. By keeping the humidity high in this way, you help the plants from drying out. This   is even more necessary in hot climates.

3. Maintain a good temperature

Too much heat will only dry out your houseplants, which will need more steam. Therefore,   if the ambient temperature exceeds 18° C,   spray the foliage. In summer, you can take the plants out into the garden for a day or two so they can benefit from the sun, but it depends on each type of plant. For small green and flowering plants, keep them indoors.

4. Irrigation


It is advisable to water the plants regularly and repeat the operation after the soil has dried. However, for semi-aquatic plants like papyrus,   regular watering is not necessary.  Even so, it is important to know the ideal watering frequency for each plant.

In winter, the scenario is quite different as the plants are likely to rot due to excess water. In this case, one hour after watering the plant, empty the water that resides under the pot and spray it with   non-calcareous water, such as rainwater.

5. Fertilizers

During the growing period, use a fertilizer specially designed   to provide nutrients to green plants.   Taking care to respect the doses indicated on the product, keep in mind that a supply of nutrients every 2 weeks is sufficient, and that the growth period is generally between March and September. Baking soda is also a good ingredient for strengthening plants.

6. Plant and transplant

Sometimes it is necessary to change the plant’s container to one of a slightly larger diameter, so that the roots can develop. Additionally, if drainage is necessary,   place clay balls at the bottom of the pots.   This is the principle of transplanting and planting.

7. Keep fruit flies away

In muslin bags, place aromatic herbs such as mint, basil, lemongrass or lavender   and hang them around the house.  Since mosquitoes can’t stand these smells, you have a good way to keep them away. You can also take steps by keeping any food that may come into contact with fruit flies clean.  Well-washed food prevents its appearance more  . Of course, don’t neglect sponges and kitchen towels.

Other measures to take for the good maintenance of plants

To promote light exposure of green plants such as dracaena or ficus, it is important to clean their foliage   because dust blocks the sun’s rays.

It is also important to rid plants of anything that could compromise their health. Think dead branches, wilted flowers or damaged leaves. Everything must be cut.

Read also: What seedlings should be planted in February 2023?

In addition, it is important to secure highly developed plants to promote good growth, protect them from winds   and prevent them from being uprooted.

Taking action also means avoiding things that can make plants worse. If you see the stems wilting, move them closer to the window. If the foliage is yellowed due to moisture, wait until  the substrate dries before transplanting the plant.