7 tips to follow for fluffy and tasty scrambled eggs every time


5. Get your eggs just right
Scrambled eggs are a very personalized dish. Some like a plate that's full of large, fluffy pieces of eggs, while others prefer pieces that are just as fluffy, but much smaller. There's no right or wrong here; it's all a matter of personal preference. But to get yours just right, you have to know the technique.
If you like those large pieces, use a rubber spatula to make long, sweeping motions across the surface, covering as much of the egg as you can in one swoop. If you like smaller bits of egg, use that same rubber spatula to make small circles in the eggs to break them up.
6. Add butter
So you missed out on the richness when you decided to forego the cream and milk. But there is a time to get it in there and it's right when the eggs are almost done cooking. As soon as there's just a little bit of liquid left in the pan, add a knob or two of butter. Let it melt, and then stir it into the eggs. You'll have that richness you've been looking for.
7. Season at the end
Unseasoned eggs will be one of the most disappointing things that ever lands on your plate. And while you do have to season them, you shouldn't do this at the beginning, or even in the middle, of cooking time. This will dry your eggs out and make them rubbery. Instead, add a pinch of salt at the end of cooking time. And while you're at it, add some chopped fresh herbs, or up the richness factor even more and add cheese.