Advice on cultivating beets


Among the most common vegetables grown in our gardens, beets are among the top ten. Beets are a popular crop to cultivate because they are easy to harvest, store well, and can be consumed in several ways throughout the year, including fresh, cooked, or pickled.
Preparing the garden:
To ensure optimal root development, dig the soil in the fall before planting, but do not add manure. Stones in the soil might stunt root development, so be sure to get rid of them as you dig. Add the right amount of lime to acidic soil.
The final frosts should have passed before planting beets. Delaying planting by a few weeks is possible with the help of a poly or cloche tunnel. Before planting, soak the beet seeds for at least a few hours. One to four seeds are really included within each seed cluster. While it is possible to start seeds in containers and then transfer them to their ultimate growth spot, some people have found that starting seedlings in the ground yields better results.

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