Burn bay leaves at home, surprise what happens 10 minutes later


Bay leaves are one of the most used spices in cooking, because they give a completely different flavor to foods. But burning some has other benefits, let’s find out what it is.

burning laurel
In fact , they are one of the culinary secrets when talking about Mediterranean cuisine.

Laurel plant: characteristics and curiosities
It is a plant that grows on bushes 1 to 3 meters high and has many branches. The leaves are like pointed spears, leathery in texture but flexible and shiny. Its fruits are globular, small and black. It grows particularly in warm, semi-dry, dry and temperate climates from 10 to 2900 meters above sea level.

Bowl with bay leaves
Bay leaf is also widely used in cleaning and beauty remedies and also benefits our health to unsuspected limits. Its main use is to relieve stomach pain and it is recommended in the form of an infusion.

However, bay leaves are known to have many more benefits. For example, this plant is known to be relaxing, has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the immune system thanks to all the minerals and vitamins it contains, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, riboflavin. , niacin, eugenol and cineol, to name a few.

Although it can be consumed in drinks, soups or stews, there is also another way to exploit it and that is to burn the dry leaves themselves , which release vapors, which can help us feel better.

It may seem strange, but doing so can bring you more benefits than harm, so let’s find out the reasons why you can benefit from this remedy.

Benefits of burning bay leaves at home
Burning some bay leaves , in addition to perfuming the environment, improves the health of your respiratory tract.

Given the expectorant properties that this plant has, by burning its leaves, the vapors that emanate from it could help you clear those respiratory tracts that cause discomfort, because it eliminates bacteria, purifies the environment and also improves brain capacity. Vapors from burning leaves should not be breathed directly, but rather released into the environment.

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