Chefs’ Secret Trick to Make Crispy French Fries Easily at Home


Golden rules for preparing French fries at home

When you want to try good French fries, you want them to be soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. We don’t want them to fall apart in the pan. And surprisingly, despite the rise of non-stick pans, many people believe that regular pans are better suited for frying potatoes. Thus, to get a serving of crispy and nice-looking French fries, certain golden rules must be taken into account.

First important rule: choose the type of potatoes very carefully. According to experienced cooks, floury potatoes with yellow flesh are best suited for frying. So you have to peel them properly and cut them according to your preference.

Another cardinal rule: wash your potato sticks in several waters to remove as much starch as possible. Then place them on a paper towel so that it absorbs the slightest drop of water.

What is this famous secret to having delicious fries? Simply sprinkle about three teaspoons of salt into the pan and let it heat up like that for 5 minutes. Stir it with the handle of the utensil to cover the entire bottom. It is this slight abrasion that will prevent the potatoes from sticking to the pan while frying. This trick is also used when you want to fry chops or steaks. Then remove the salt with a paper towel. Also remember to wipe the pan thoroughly with a dry cloth.


Fry potatoes – Source: spm

How to fry good crispy French fries?

Once this ingenious operation has been carried out, now you have to pour the oil. Give it time to heat up before dipping the fries into it. It’s not everyone’s instinct, but some advise covering the pan to help fry. Otherwise, some potato chip sticks may be raw.

First fry the potatoes over medium heat at first, then gradually increase the heat to make them crispy. It is best to use a wooden spatula to flip the fries. If you want them tender on the inside and crispy on the outside, cooking in two stages is essential: therefore, do a first immersion for 7 minutes over medium heat (160°C). Drain them and submerge them again for 2 or 3 minutes, increasing the heat (180°C). This second frying will precisely bring the crunch and golden brown pain of French fries.

Good to know   : To keep your fries from sticking, place them in small quantities in the pan. Don’t forget to stir them from time to time. Salt and other spices are sprinkled right after cooking. Be careful, salt can soften potatoes quickly if added in the middle of preparation.