Come to get the scent of chiuso in your house, basteranno solo 3 fogli


With the leaves of all the ingredients you can create a bag inside the armadillo and the cassetti interested in the scent. Abbiate cura di utilizzare una borsa en fabric naturale, a trama molto larga. The lens will change periodically and will change 5/6.

The all-over fog, other than being perfumed, may also be repellent against insects and stains . Another solution is to use a perfumed infusion to perfume everything at home. Put the foglie di alloro in a pentola with the acqua. Then add 4 leaves to the bowl, add a cup of bicarbonate. Una volta che l’acqua bolle, spegnete il fuoco e portate la pentola in tutte le stanze.

Laurel can still be placed in the bathroom. Once in the hot water, put it in a little tritate fog. Add sodium bicarbonate and waste in the bath. It’s a natural fragrance. The smell of the soul, other than the puzza, will liberate the respiratory life and dona benessere. For this reason, you should also insert a rametto into the doccia to increase the positive effect of the water and the scent in natural mode.

Be careful not to worry about the quantity , but the allergic person may be sensitive to it all the time. In any case, do not pay attention to the amount of light on the furniture or cassette base to avoid odor formation.