DIY Homemade Natural Toothpaste: Keeps Your Teeth & Gums Healthy & Nourished


Peppermint extract
A clean container
In a bowl, add two spoons of coconut oil. Add two spoons of baking soda as well. Add a tsp of turmeric.

Drop 10 to 15 drops of peppermint extract, although this is an optional step. With a wooden spoon, mix the ingredients to make a smooth and homogenous mixture.

Keep the toothpaste in an airtight container in the fridge. Take a small amount of toothpaste when you need and then close the container.

Use it as you would use regular toothpaste. Avoid dipping the toothbrush into the paste, but rather take the paste from the container and apply it to the brush.

The Health Benefits of the Ingredients
Baking soda is an abrasive age that helps whiten the teeth.

Coconut oil is abundant in lauric acid. This acid possesses anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Turmeric in this paste is added because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial characteristics.