Eggshells: Your Garden’s Best-Kept Secret


Seed Starters

Eggshell halves make perfect biodegradable pots for starting seeds. Fill them with soil, sow your seeds, and once they sprout, plant them directly into your garden. The eggshell will decompose, providing your young plants with a welcome calcium boost.

How to Prepare Eggshells for Your Garden

  1. Rinse thoroughly to remove any egg white or yolk residues.
  2. Dry them out either by leaving them out on a sunny windowsill or gently baking them in a low-temperature oven.
  3. Crush or grind the shells into small pieces or powder, depending on your intended use.

A Final Thought

Eggshells, with their myriad of uses, embody the principle of waste not, want not. By integrating these calcium-rich fragments into your gardening routine, you’re not only giving your plants a nutrient boost but also practicing sustainable gardening. So, next time you crack open an egg, remember: those shells are gold for your garden!