Even in the winter, you may have gorgeous plants by using this great baking soda method.


2. Get rid of the pests

Pests have the potential to infest your garden over time. Plants may be damaged by these pests if they are allowed to invade them. A solution of two tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in one liter of water may be used to eliminate pests that have infested your plants. In order to get the best possible results, you may also include a few drops of Marseille liquid soap. After combining all of the ingredients, transfer the resultant solution to a spray bottle. You may use it to get rid of the pests that are now living in your crops.

3. Improve the health of your plants

The leaves on your tree seem to be damaged or fragile. In order to boost plants, you should be aware that baking soda is an unfailing cure. As a matter of fact, this white powder is regarded as a natural alternative to artificial fertilizers and assists in the maintenance of all of your individual plants. Combine two teaspoons of baking soda with half a liter of water to get the highest possible level of efficacy. Following the completion of the mixing process, use a microfiber cloth to apply the solution to the leaves of your plants.

4. Make sure that your cutting tools are clean.

A blade is often found in cutting equipment, and this blade frequently comes into touch with plants. A decrease in temperature during the winter months might cause some plants to get ill. However, if you prune a plant that is infected with a disease and do not clean the cutting equipment you use, you run the danger of spreading the sickness to other plants after you prune. Therefore, disinfecting cutting instruments is something that should be done as soon as possible. A solution consisting of baking soda and white vinegar might be used to clean them in order to accomplish this.

Weeds should be removed.

Weeds have the potential to invade our flower beds and ruin a significant amount of laborious horticultural effort. They are a source of great annoyance since they often invade various areas. Creating a DIY weed spray is one method that may be used to eliminate it. In any other case, all you need to do is sprinkle baking soda straight on those weeds that you feel are unwelcome.

6. Get rid of the ants.

In addition, ants are among the insects that are commonly seen on plants. It is possible for them to swiftly overtake the garden and become extremely bothersome, despite the fact that they are not very damaging. In order to ward off ants, you may make a natural repellent by combining baking soda with water. Combine two teaspoons of baking soda with one cup of lemon juice in a mixing bowl. The solution should then be placed in a spray bottle, and you should use this product to spray your plants on a consistent basis.