Everyone should know this technique for growing a container garden


Let’s take garlic, which we will use as fertilizer . Cut a clove into small pieces and then put them in the glass, adding more water since the previous one has been absorbed by the earth.

Now let’s add some banana peels , an important source of nitrogen and potassium for our plants. We cut them into pieces and put them in the glass, then we water the mixture again, which will activate, releasing important elements into the substrate that will make our rosemary grow quickly and luxuriantly .

However, we remember that this technique can be used with any seasoning and brings numerous advantages because in addition to enriching the soil with beneficial substances , it allows it to be kept moist when enough, without soaking it too much.

The filter created by the pierced glass in fact releases the quantity of elements that serve as support for the plants and this is proportionate and never excessive or lacking since having inserted everything into the glass, they will take what they need in the right quantity.

In short, an automatic process that will allow the right dose of nutrients and ensure the quality of our plants.