2. Vinegar to acidify the soil
Some plants such as azaleas, hydrangeas and gardenias like acidic soil. Water these plants with a white vinegar solution. Mix 250 ml of distilled white vinegar in 5 liters of water and use the solution to water the plants from time to time.
The effect of vinegar is not permanent, so the ideal is to use it once a month. Do not increase the dose of vinegar, you could damage the plant.
3. Vinegar as a fungicide
The acidity of vinegar is very effective against fungi that attack our plants. Vinegar lowers the pH of the potting soil and makes it inhospitable to fungi.
Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with each liter of water and apply it twice a week and after each rain.
4. Vinegar as a rooting agent
Vinegar has antiseptic properties and contains enzymes that make it an interesting rooting agent.
The above are the most common uses for vinegar in the garden , but there are many others and we will list them all below.
- Keep ants away by spraying a little vinegar around doors and windows and in the path of the ants.
- Keep cats away from certain areas of the house by spraying them with a little white vinegar. Most cats find the smell of vinegar unpleasant.
- Extend the life of cut flowers by adding 2 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar per gallon of water.
- Descale jars by filling them with a solution of two equal parts water and distilled white vinegar.
- Remove white stains from glass, terra cotta, and plastic vases by soaking them for one hour in a bucket filled with two equal parts water and distilled white vinegar.
- Clean your bird bath by washing it frequently with undistilled, undiluted white vinegar. Remember to rinse well.
- Remove rust from metal objects by applying distilled white vinegar overnight or longer.
- Clean and disinfect a concrete pond before adding fish and plants by adding 5 liters of Keto per 1000 liters of water. Leave it for three days, then drain and rinse well.
- Disinfect garden and balcony furniture with a cloth soaked in distilled white vinegar.
- Expel slugs by spraying a solution of equal parts distilled white vinegar and water.
- To trap moths, mix 2 parts distilled white vinegar with 1 part molasses. Pour the solution into a can and hang it on a tree.
- Remove berry stains from your hands by rubbing them with white vinegar.
- To clean an outdoor fountain, soak the pump in white vinegar to remove mineral deposits.
- Get rid of your best friend’s dog smell by rubbing his fur with pure vinegar and rinsing it afterwards.