How do I wash and care for my swimsuit? Tips and tricks for properly cleaning swimsuits


To keep them looking new, also remember to wash them immediately after use to remove built-up chlorine and salt that could discolor them.

The first ingredient we recommend is baking soda, known since our grandmothers for its cleaning and degreasing properties, as well as its slightly abrasive action. It is very soft and a real boon for Lycra fabrics, such as those used in swimsuits.

So simply dissolve 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate in a bowl of lukewarm water and let the garment soak for about half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry. Not only does baking soda remove stains and chlorine, it also helps eliminate bad odors!


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In addition, this ingredient can also be used in summer to easily remove sand that sticks to your swimsuit. In this case, you should rinse the swimsuit with cold water to remove excess sand and then place it in a bag with a good amount of baking soda.

Shake the bag to allow the sand to separate from our swimsuit due to the abrasive action of the baking soda.

The vinegar
Just as effective as baking soda, vinegar also helps prevent your clothes from fading. We also remind you that it is known for its ability to revive the colors of clothes!

So add 2 glasses of vinegar to a basin with about 4 liters of water and let your swimsuits soak in it for about an hour. Then rinse them several times before hanging them up: they will be like new again!

A final ingredient, very gentle but very effective to wash your swimsuits without damaging them, is the use of Marseille soap, which thanks to its gentle properties can remove even the most stubborn stains on all types of fabrics.

We also remind you that it is used to make the “Stain Remover Pen” that you can take with you when traveling! So simply dip the laundry in a bowl of lukewarm water and two tablespoons of Marseille soap flakes and let it soak for a few moments. Then follow the same steps as the previous remedies.

You can also lather swimsuits directly with Marseille soap before soaking and rinsing in cold water.