How I overcame a liver and colon tumor 17 years ago: The recipe that saved my life


My health was difficult seventeen years ago when I was told I had malignancies in my uterus, liver, and colon. My surgeon gave me this amazing recipe during my surgery experience. This mixture, which I carefully mixed and drank, was extremely important to my healing. The tumor had disappeared, according to further testing, which produced startling findings. This meal became a daily mainstay for my continued well-being and not only helped me avoid needless surgery.
A Formula for Well-Being and Recovery

Here, I offer you this recipe that will change your life. It's packed full of natural substances, each of which has a special therapeutic quality.
fifteen heads of garlic
fifteen lemons
Ground walnuts, hazelnuts, dried figs, dried plums, and red and white grape raisins, each weighing 500g
500 grams of organic wheat
One kilogram of handmade honey

Method of Preparation:


fifteen heads of garlic

fifteen lemons

Ground walnuts, hazelnuts, dried figs, dried plums, and red and white grape raisins, each weighing 500g

500 grams of organic wheat

One kilogram of handmade honey

Method of Preparation:

Wheat Preparation: Soak the wheat in fresh water for a whole night after giving it nine washings in warm water. Drain and mix the wheat the next day.

Preparing the Lemon and Fruit: Finely chop the figs and plums. After extracting the juice from ten lemons, coarsely crush the peels of the remaining five lemons.

Mixing the Ingredients:

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