How to detect negative energies in your home with salt water and vinegar


Cleansing Process:
Start from the entrance of your home and move clockwise through each room.
Dip your fingers into the salt water solution and sprinkle it around the room. Some people prefer to use a small brush or a sprig of herbs like sage or rosemary to flick the solution.
As you sprinkle the solution, visualize it purifying the space and driving away any negative energies.
Pay extra attention to corners, doorways, and windows, as these are believed to be common areas where negative energies can accumulate.
You can also speak words of affirmation or prayers as you cleanse, asking for positive energy to fill the space.
Dispose of the Solution:
Once you’ve gone through each room, dispose of the remaining solution. Some prefer to flush it down the toilet or pour it down the sink, while others prefer to discard it outside.
After cleansing your home, it can be helpful to follow up with positive activities, such as burning incense, playing uplifting music, or simply spending time in the space while focusing on positive thoughts.
Remember, the effectiveness of these practices depends on personal belief and cultural context. If you’re uncomfortable with or skeptical of these methods, there are many other ways to promote positivity and well-being in your home, such as decluttering, letting in natural light, and maintaining a clean and organized environment.