How to grow the most delicious strawberries in 5L barrels


If you’re looking for a fun and easy gardening project, try growing strawberries in 5L plastic bottles or another container. Let me walk you through the process step by step:

What You’ll Need:

Five five-liter plastic bottles (empty and clean)
Strawberry seeds or plants
Mulch for plants
Plant Food
Drainage pebbles or tiny stones
Utility knife or scissors
A spray bottle or watering can
The light of the sun

What to Do:

Get the Bottles Ready:

After removing the caps, give the plastic bottles a good cleaning.
To provide room for drainage, cut or drill many holes into the base of every bottle. Root rot can’t happen since water can’t pool.

Get the Dirt Ready:

Make sure to use a high-quality, nutrient-rich potting soil mix that drains effectively.
Pour the potting soil into the bottles until they are 3/4 full. When watering, make sure to leave a little room at the top to prevent overflow.
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