How to Remove Mold from Walls and Get Rid of the Problem Permanently


Hydrogen peroxide against stains

Let’s now move on to chemical remedies: one of the most effective is undoubtedly hydrogen peroxide, which, however, precisely because of its aggressiveness, should be diluted in a little water. The addition of baking soda, then, enhances its whitening action; With salt, on the other hand, you obtain a solution capable of attracting moisture from the wall, making the risk of the mold problem recurring much more remote. The method of use is always the same: a few drops sprayed directly on the wall and a soft cloth to rub and collect impurities. Finally, if necessary, it is possible to repeat the operation until the result is perfect.

Remove mold with bleach

Whether the mold is in the bathroom, living room, kitchen or bedroom, another excellent solution for removing mold is bleach: a detergent with strong whitening power that, if used correctly, removes stains without damaging the walls. In this case, the steps to follow are as follows: start by filling two buckets with warm water and add the appropriate amount of product to one of them; after which a large sponge can be dipped into the container with the bleach before rubbing the entire area to be treated; This last step can be done over and over again, until the  mold is completely removed; Now all you have to do is use a second sponge moistened in the sink with just water to thoroughly clean the entire surface and thus obtain a shiny, like-new wall.

Regardless of the method you have decided to use, finally, a good idea is to paint the walls of the room with  specific anti-mold paints  : these can be purchased at the most stocked home improvement stores, or you can order them from professionals hired to carry out the ‘operation.