At this point, add a teaspoon of yeast into the bowl. Yeast interacts with the gastric acid of insects, creating a reaction that can kill them. To make the bait even more effective, add a teaspoon of sugar, which will again attract insects and encourage them to ingest the mixture.

Powdered yeast to remove insects from powder yeast to remove insects – Now add a teaspoon of water and mix all the ingredients well. This will give you a mixture of creamy consistency. If you prefer a powder alternative, you can also leave the mixture without adding water. Then pour the mixture into a small container, for example the cap of a bottle, and leave it in a place that is easily accessible to insects.

A trap that targets the stomach of insects, but why is this do-it-yourself recipe so effective at killing cockroaches and ants? The answer lies in the damage that the ingredients used cause to the digestive system of the insects in question.

This is because this natural solution uses the attractiveness of powdered milk, yeast and sugar to attract insects, which are then killed by the chemical reaction that occurs in their stomachs. As we have already mentioned, powdered milk is rich in proteins, which are an important source of nutrition for insects. Attracted by the smell of milk, the insects will approach the bait.

Yeast is composed of microorganisms that produce carbon dioxide as a by-product of fermentation. Insects, such as cockroaches and ants, are attracted to carbon dioxide and are encouraged to ingest the bait containing yeast.

Blattes Blattes – In addition, sugar is a source of energy for insects. Its presence in the bait will make the mixture even more attractive, which will encourage the insects to inges it.

Finally, water is used to create a creamy consistency that makes the bait more appetizing and more easily accessible to insects. But that is not all, because water also promotes the diffusion of odors, thereby increasing the efficiency of the bait.

However, it is important to remember that this recipe is a temporary solution and does not address the underlying cause of the infestation. If the infestation of cockshaks or ants persists, pest control professionals may need to be used to solve the problem in a comprehensive and permanent way.