Homemade Cheese
Take a lemon, squeeze and strain. Now you can gradually pour the lemon juice into the milk on the stove. Remember to press little by little, turning it over with a wooden spoon. After pouring in all the lemon, turn off the heat and continue stirring.
After mixing for a few minutes, you can filter the mixture obtained using cheesecloth placed in a sieve. Then separate the whey from the resulting cheese. Squeeze well, return the whey to the pan and add two teaspoons of salt.
Result of homemade cheese
At this point, you can add the cheese and let it cook for a few minutes, about 3 minutes is enough. Place a weight on top and after 40 minutes you can remove the cheese from the mold.
Ricotta Recipe with Cheese Whey
Ricotta Recipe with Cheese Whey
If you reserve the whey that comes from making the cheese, you can also make ricotta. What you need most is just milk and lemon. Just add 1.5 liters of milk, whey and juice of one lemon to the pan. Stir until it boils, after a minute turn off the heat and let it rest for 5 minutes.
Ricotta House
Now filter as before and pour the mixture obtained into the appropriate mold. This is also how you get ricotta. After discovering that you can make homemade cheese with just two ingredients, you now have a hard time deciding whether to buy it.
In fact, you can make it as many times as you want and can store it in the fridge for a few days. In short: be sure to try this homemade cheese