Lime in the shower, but what citric acid: it is only eliminated with this ingredient


Shower tray, how to remove dirt and scale effectively
Finally, there is the cleaning of the shower tray, where we wash and shave. This collects all the dirt, dust, hair, and residue from the products we use to wash and soap our bodies. To clean it, white alcohol vinegar is used, which is rubbed with a sponge.

Let it sit to clean it in all its parts and then rinse it with the shower head and dry it with a wrung out cloth.

Cleaning tiles, how to make them shine again
We proceed with cleaning the tiles, where scale also accumulates in the shower. If they are not cleaned well from time to time, they gradually lose all their shine and beauty. Pour vinegar onto a sponge and rub vigorously, always on the non-abrasive side, especially if the tiles are made of materials that scratch easily. Then the product is allowed to act and finally rinsed.

These solutions allow you to have a perfectly clean, always shiny bathroom. The tartar will only be a distant bad memory.