Pierce a banana and insert lemon pips The ingenious trick


Preparing the Seeds: After thoroughly cleaning them, pat the seeds dry with a piece of paper. Next, grab a banana and without peeling it, divide it into chunks. Create small incisions in each piece and insert the lemon seeds.

Planting the Banana Chunks: Secure a pot and some soil. Bury the banana pieces in a small pit and water generously. After patiently waiting for 5 days, you’ll witness tiny plants emerging from the soil.

Nurturing the Seedlings: Upon carefully lifting the banana chunks after those 5 days, you’ll observe how the seeds have naturally emerged from the fruit. As time progresses, your tiny plant will demand more room to flourish.

Transplanting Your Tree: Once your plant shows signs of growth, gently transplant it into a larger pot. Though your lemon tree won’t require special care, it does need consistent attention to stay vibrant.

With diligent care, your tree will soon bless you with fragrant blossoms, eventually bearing its first fruits. Now, you can bask in the joy of harvesting them and admire your flourishing plant.

Remember, you can repeat this process as often as you like, each time witnessing the wonder of nature unfold through your very own home-grown lemon trees. So, gather your family, dive into this botanical adventure, and let the lemon trees blossom!