Pipe unblocker: 3 tips


Leave on for at least an hour.
For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add a liter of boiling water into the drain. Your sink will unclog spontaneously! You can also use a suction cup, if necessary.

After applying this tip, you can also implement a prevention technique to prevent your drains from becoming clogged. It consists of regularly pouring hot water into the sink or washbasin mixed with 2 to 5 doses of soda crystals or baking soda. These ingredients eliminate bad odors and clean the pipes.

Please note, these products should be used with caution. It is advisable to protect yourself. Consider wearing protective equipment such as goggles or gloves. It is also recommended to read the instructions for use, just as it is strongly recommended to keep these products away from your children or pets.

How to prevent the drain from getting clogged regularly?
A clogged drain can lead to a blocked sink or sink. This is why it must be cleaned regularly. Because the latter accumulates food, grease and other residues. In the event of a blockage, there is no need to seek the services of a plumber or resort to expensive chemicals. There is a simple trick based on a natural product that can help you unclog the drain.