Put 3 balls of aluminum foil in the washing machine and get rid of this problem once and for all!


– Give shine to your old, completely rusty silverware: have you just taken out old cutlery from the back of the cupboard as well as old, completely dull and oxidized jewelry? This is a surprising method to make all your silver pieces shine. Simply place a sheet of aluminum foil in the bottom of a basin, fill it with a mixture of hot water and coarse salt and immerse all your objects in it. Leave it on for a while before taking them out and drying them properly. The result is stunning: all your pieces have regained their former glory!

– Clean the iron: If it is full of stains and dirt, the iron will immediately be sticky and much slower than usual. Not to mention that it leaves unsightly marks on your clothes. Hop, make a big ball of aluminum foil and vigorously rub the dirtiest areas. Here it is again ready for use!
Additional tips for taking care of your laundry

Fading, shrinking, felting… your clothes don’t deserve this fate! Here’s how to extend their lifespan.

Preserve the original colors:
Tye & dye is pretty, but only when you want it…

White fabrics: to remain white, they must be protected from light, which yellows them. Do not hesitate to store them in dark boxes or opaque drawers, away from direct light.

Colored fabrics: to give your colored clothes a boost, add white vinegar to the last rinse water. Or use the latter as a fabric softener.
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