After the holidays, you have to return home and face everyday life. One of the most uncomfortable situations is the heat that takes over the interiors. If you open the windows at the wrong time, you are letting the heat in. In addition to adopting these natural tips, you must open the doors and windows at the right time. Choose the coolest hours of the morning and evening.
To refresh the house on the hottest days, you just have to prepare these natural refreshing perfumes and products
Make a DIY air freshener with mint and lemon. These 2 ingredients are especially known for their fresh aromas. Here are the steps to follow:
Squeeze a lemon to obtain the juice and transfer it to a saucepan;
Add 6 mint leaves and bring to a boil;
At the first boil, turn off the heat and let it cool;
Strain the mixture and transfer to a spray bottle;
Spray the deodorant throughout the house for a fresh scent.
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