Remove black joints from bathroom or kitchen tiles effortlessly: an effective method


What cleaning techniques should be encouraged before using the candle method?

Before trying to whiten the gaskets directly with the spark plug, you should first clean them in several ways,   depending on how dirty they are:

For slightly dirty joints

If there are only small areas to treat,   a used toothbrush   and toothpaste will do the trick. However, you will have to do it differently if you plan to clean a larger area. In this case, mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to obtain a paste to apply directly to the surface. Leave it on for about 5 minutes and then rinse with clean water.

For moderately dirty joints

In the case of moderately dirty joints, you can count   on   the disinfecting power of white vinegar and the abrasive property of baking soda  . Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 10 cl of white vinegar, then dip a washing brush into the resulting solution. Scrub the seals and then give them a long rinse with clean water before drying the surface with a clean, dry cloth.

For very dirty joints

Against particularly dirty joints, you can use more powerful products   such as ammonia   , remembering to protect yourself.

First, take a pair of gloves, a mask   and ventilate the house   to evacuate the product vapors. In a container, dilute the ammonia with 2/3 thirds of water. Apply the solution obtained on the joints with a brush before rinsing with clean water. Let it dry and that’s it.

Adopting this method of cleaning and maintaining joints will save you from wasting precious hours trying to clean and whiten them at all costs.