Spray around the house and keep insects away; You won’t see him flying anymore.


Mix bay leaves and cloves to kill insects.

To    prepare    our    natural remedy    against    flies, mosquitoes, aphids and cockroaches,  15 bay leaves    and    10 cloves   will be enough. We take a    saucepan    and fill it with    a liter of water    which we bring to    the boil    .

As soon as the water    boils   , pour in the   bay leaves    and    cloves    . Let everything   boil   for a few minutes    so that the    ingredients    release    the    useful substances  that characterize them, then    remove    the pan from the heat and let it    cool    . After a few minutes, you can    pour the liquid    obtained into a bottle    fitted with a spray diffuser    .

Keep insects away

Now all we have to do is    use    the    insect medicine    in the areas where insects form   the most, for example in the  pantry    ,    kitchen    and    bathroom    . Then we can use the    liquid    obtained by cooking    bay leaves and cloves    in the    garden    ,    once a month    , to keep    pests away    from    plants    .

Additional Tips

Both    proven ingredients  can be used    in combination    with other plant repellents to    increase their effectiveness    . For example,    mint and eucalyptus leaves are two other       well-known    insect repellents and    can be used    in conjunction with    bay leaves    and cloves    to    create an       even more    powerful protective barrier