That strange smell that is so annoying


Boiling water to solve the problem of smelly drains
The first absolutely recommended method is to boil water . Remnants of dirt, hair, grease, food, when they come into contact with high temperature water, slide through the pipes. In this way bad odors are neutralized. To proceed, heat a liter of water in a saucepan, once the temperature is reached, turn off the heat, take the saucepan by the handles (be careful not to burn yourself, it is recommended to use gloves) and pour the water into the drain. First of all, obviously, you need to remove the cover.

The boiling water should act for hours, after which you can open the tap and proceed with routine cleaning. The same trick applies to cleaning smelly drains. in the bathroom, therefore the one with a toilet or the one with a shower. If the smell doesn’t go away with just boiling water, you can use baking soda, which is often miraculous.

Vinegar and baking soda, the miraculous mixture
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Vinegar and baking soda, the miraculous mixture
At first you can only use baking soda: boil a liter of water in a saucepan. Once the heat is off, pour four or five tablespoons of baking soda and mix the mixture to ensure that all the baking soda residues dissolve. Then you pour the solution down the drain. This method is especially valid for the bathroom. It is advisable to carry out the operation only at night, so that the baking soda has the opportunity to dissolve properly during the night and act.

Obviously, in the meantime you should not use the bathroom. Then you can flush the toilet: the change will be evident , the flush will no longer stink, in fact it will be totally free of any bad smell.

For difficult situations, therefore for drains that smell excessively, a solution composed of baking soda and vinegar is recommended. Together the two ingredients manage to eliminate all persistent bad odors. First remove the drain plug and then sprinkle the sink or shower with 100 grams of baking soda. Boil half a liter of water, once the heat is off, add a glass of vinegar and pour the solution down the drain.

As soon as the water and vinegar come into contact with the baking soda, a light foam forms. Which is capable of combating bad odors in a short time. Simply let the mixture sit for a maximum of one night , then turn on the water jet and the bad odors will no longer be there.

Lemon, how to use it to enjoy its benefits to the fullest
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