Then, take a cotton ball, dip it in black tea and then rub it on the area prone to scratches and scrapes. Also, to prevent the area from becoming more colored than necessary, do not let black tea get into the area surrounding the scratched area . In that case, you should clean the mixture immediately.
Other Home Remedies for Scratches on Wooden Furniture
– Polish small scratches in the wood using lemon
For small surface scratches, mix lemon juice and olive oil in a shallow container and soak a cloth soft. Rub the area until the scratch disappears.
Sweet almond oil and white vinegar are another great combination for polishing wooden furniture.
– Colors wood scratches
If you’re dealing with scratches that stain the wood but you can’t feel them with your fingertips, you can stain them with ingredients like coffee grounds, iodine or markers:
– Coffee grounds for staining wood

As with black tea , coffee grounds provide the tint you’ll need for your dark furniture . In damp coffee grounds, dip a cotton ball and then rub it over the scratches. Let the ingredient sit for 15 minutes or more, then wipe the area with a dry cloth.
– Iodine to preserve wooden furniture
To preserve mahogany-finished furniture, soak a cotton ball in iodine, then rub it into the scratched areas. If it’s light wood, soak the cotton ball in a mixture of equal parts rubbing alcohol and iodine then rub it over the area until the marks disappear. they have completely disappeared.
Now that you’ve found out how to get rid of small scratches on wooden furniture, the tip for glass without streaks and scratches should probably interest you.