It would be virtually impossible to find someone who doesn’t like fries . It is an absolutely delicious meal, simple, easy to prepare and serve both as a side dish and as a single dish.
And one of the most fundamental things that makes French fries good is how crispy they are when you eat them. Their exact point is when they are transformed into a delicious puree inside and their surface is very crispy.
We think we speak for most people when we say that cooking fries to their exact point can sometimes be a little difficult . Who hasn’t made potatoes that later turned out to be soft and far from the result we expected?
That’s why today we decided to share with you a recipe that will allow you to eat the crispiest fries ever . It’s still a very easy recipe but it has a little detail that changes everything.
? How to make the crispiest fries of all?
- Potatoes 1kg
- Sunflower oil c/n
- cold water c/n
- white vinegar 2 tbsp.
- Peel the potatoes and cut them into sticks about 1 cm thick (you can leave them with the skin on but you must wash them very well).
- Place the cut potatoes in a large container and pour water to cover them.
- Add the two tablespoons of vinegar and mix a little.
- Let sit in the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes. An hour would be ideal.
- Remove the potatoes from the water and dry them as much as possible (you can use a dish towel or napkins).
- Heat the oil in a pot or sauté pan suitable for frying.
- Fry the potatoes in as many batches as necessary.
- Enjoy the crispiest potatoes of all!
Simple and quick preparation. Try this way of making fries and you’ll see how leaving them in vinegar water changes everything. You won’t want to eat fries that aren’t made this way.
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