- Finely chop the onion
- Cut the tomatoes into cubes (if whole).
- Chop the garlic.
- Put everything in a blender and blend until the ingredients are no longer identifiable.
- Pour the contents into a saucepan and cook over medium heat.
- When the mixture begins to bubble, add all the other ingredients.
- Cook until the sauce is reduced and slightly thicker.
- Ready, you already have a delicious homemade ketchup!
With these quantities, you will surely have ketchup that you can package in glass jars , previously sterilized. This way you will have ketchup for the next time you decide to make fries.
To remove any type of bacteria from the jars, you need to boil them for 10 minutes (with their lids on) then spray the insides with alcohol. Then all you have to do is fill them with whatever sauce you have left. Remember to store the filled jars in the refrigerator.
Now yes, you have the fries and also a delicious homemade ketchup to accompany them. Try this recipe and let us know how it turned out for you!