Tips for scenting the bathroom while cleaning the tiles


Finally, simply spray the resulting mixture onto the bathtub or shower tiles, leave it to act for a few minutes and wipe it with a damp cloth to remove any dirt.

The lemon
When we talk about ingredients that make the house smell naturally, how can we not mention lemon?

Simply cut a lemon in two and rub one over the tiles like a sponge.

Then let it sit for a while before removing the residue with a sponge. Finally, rinse and dry with a soft, dry cloth.

Homemade rosemary cleaning product
Finally, let’s look at how to make a wonderfully smelling rosemary degreaser! Ingredients :

2 sprigs of rosemary
The zest of 2 lemons
2 cups of water
2 cups white vinegar
Place all ingredients in a container and leave in a cool, dry place for ten days, then filter the mixture and pour into a spray bottle.

Finally, shake vigorously to achieve good mixing, spray this mixture onto the bathroom tiles, wipe with a sponge and rinse.