An effective natural repellent against these annoying insects, lavender is also very useful for deliciously scenting the bathroom.
Pour a few drops of essential oil in different corners of the bathroom or closet. Alternatively, you can also use lemon or orange essential oils.
pot trap
In addition to hunting silverfish directly, another option is to set a trap that can eliminate the problem overnight for good. One of the most popular is the pot trap.
Wrap the outside of a jar with duct tape and place some rolled oats inside. The silverfish will be attracted to the starch in the oats, enter the jar with the tape, and get trapped inside as they slide across the glass.
It is one of the best silverfish repellents. Cinnamon is cheap and also has a wonderful aroma.
Put a glass full of cinnamon powder in the bathroom, or sprinkle it in the corners most frequented by these unwanted insects.